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5 Steps Construction Business Owners Use to Have More Time, More Freedom, and More Profit

(Even if barely keeping their head above water and can't get caught up)

The 5 secrets construction business owners use to cut work hours by as much as 50% while increasing profits as much as 2X. (Even if the business consumes your life and you have no idea how to get out of it.)

How the Just Enough to Start trap is the root cause of profit bleeds and chaos in a construction business…and the simple way to avoid stepping in that trap.

Why Nailing the Handoff is the “secret sauce” to lower-stress projects that finish on schedule with higher profit margins, and generate more referral business.

Why delegating tasks, keeping it all in your head, and being in constant reactive mode is not going to create a business that runs without you…and how to transform a construction business into a sellable asset.

How our client achieved an 8 hour work week and stopped hating his business…and the little known power law that makes it happen.

AND…how to do ALL of this while turning your vision into reality, providing a world class experience for your team and customers, and finally making the impact you went into business you make!


Todd Dawalt

With 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Todd understands the challenges leaders face. From managing $300 million worth of projects to owning his own business, he knows what it’s like to deal with operational chaos. Through his failures and successes, Todd has learned what it takes to run an effective organization and maintain personal freedom.

Todd is passionate about sharing his systems and strategies with other leaders so they can experience the same freedom. He teaches online courses, leads group coaching programs, and hosts the #1 rated podcast for construction business owners. Todd is also a certified partner with CoConstruct, a Buildertrend Company.

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5 Steps Construction Business Owners Use to Have More Time, More Freedom, and More Profit

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5 Steps Construction Business Owners Use to Have More Time, More Freedom, and More Profit

(Even if barely keeping their head above water and can't get caught up)







The 5 secrets construction business owners use to cut work hours by as much as 50% while increasing profits as much as 2X. (Even if the business consumes your life and you have no idea how to get out of it.)

How the Just Enough to Start trap is the root cause of profit bleeds and chaos in a construction business…and the simple way to avoid stepping in that trap.

Why Nailing the Handoff is the “secret sauce” to lower-stress projects that finish on schedule with higher profit margins, and generate more referral business.

Why delegating tasks, keeping it all in your head, and being in constant reactive mode is not going to create a business that runs without you…and how to transform a construction business into a sellable asset.

How our client achieved an 8 hour work week and stopped hating his business…and the little known power law that makes it happen.

AND…how to do ALL of this while turning your vision into reality, providing a world class experience for your team and customers, and finally making the impact you went into business you make!


Todd Dawalt

With 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Todd understands the challenges leaders face. From managing $300 million worth of projects to owning his own business, he knows what it’s like to deal with operational chaos. Through his failures and successes, Todd has learned what it takes to run an effective organization and maintain personal freedom.

Todd is passionate about sharing his systems and strategies with other leaders so they can experience the same freedom. He teaches online courses, leads group coaching programs, and hosts the #1 rated podcast for construction business owners. Todd is also a certified partner with CoConstruct, a Buildertrend Company.